Hawaii Blue Medical Aesthetics

Hampton Roads Med Spa

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Resveratrol: Anti-aging powerhouse?

Grapes. Berries. Pistachios. Cocoa. Plums. Peanuts. Japanese knotweed. And of course, red wine. These are all natural sources of resveratrol — a compound produced by plants in response to stress or harsh environments. If resveratrol helps protect plants, can it help protect our bodies, too? 

The miracle of resveratrol

A few years ago, resveratrol really hit the scene with a ton of scientific studies touting incredible benefits of resveratrol, from heart health to cancer prevention. Since then, some studies have been discredited, and others have been confirmed. Even while more studies are ongoing, it’s interesting to note the potential or purported benefits of resveratrol:

  • Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, cytocoxic (cancer-killing) properties
  • Protects against diabetes
  • Helps against Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Decreases bad cholesterol
  • Fights heart disease

As you might imagine, when it comes to anti-aging, resveratrol is pretty compelling.

Anti-aging benefits of resveratrol

The anti-aging benefits of resveratrol include preventing, slowing, or protecting against age-related diseases. But it also means it may prevent, slow, or protect against external signs of aging.

One study showed that people who consumed a resveratrol supplement daily for 60 days had noticeable improvement in their skin. Skin was more moisturized, elastic, and smooth. Wrinkles diminished, and age spots decreased.

Another study demonstrated that resveratrol applied topically to skin was able to protect against the effects of UV damage.

With its powerful antioxidant and skin rejuvenation properties, it’s no wonder that resveratrol has shown up in supplements and skin care products left and right. It is a powerful ingredient!

Get your daily resveratrol

Even while the jury is still out on the exact nature and extent of resveratrol benefits, it can’t hurt to increase your consumption of whole foods containing resveratrol. Grapes, berries, pistachios and the like, are good for your health anyway! Eating a varied diet of foods rich in antioxidants is a key component of an anti-aging lifestyle.

If you choose to drink red wine, have no more than three (5 oz) glasses per week. You can also choose a high-quality resveratrol supplement or Itadori (Japanese knotweed) tea if you want to avoid alcohol. Data from clinical trials indicate that a dose of 20mg - 2g daily is safe. Talk to your doctor if you’re interested in increasing your consumption of resveratrol, so you can figure out what is best for you.

When resveratrol is not enough…

Don’t just rely on resveratrol to keep your skin looking young! It’s only one part of the equation. If you want fast, targeted results, come by and see us at Hawaii Blue today. As an award-winning med spa located in the heart of Newport News, our anti-aging services can’t be beat — not even by wine!