Hawaii Blue Medical Aesthetics

Hampton Roads Med Spa

757-223-0882 Schedule Now!  


Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate

If your skin is dry and beginning to look dull, consistent dehydration may be the culprit! Research is beginning to prove that dehydration can have a dramatic effect on your skin. You can use the best moisturizers on the planet but if you’re dehydrated their effects may be minimized. Lines and wrinkles are made more […]

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What is Ristow’s Space?

We take pride in being on the cutting edge of medical aesthetics. Kimberly, the best injector on the planet, found a pretty amazing new way to use fillers in the midface! My photos stand for themselves. Nasolabial folds deepen with age. Sagging skin, loss of elasticity and facial fat loss contribute greatly to this. When […]

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Why Do I Need Tri-Hex Technology?

Hawaii Blue now carries Alastin’s ground breaking skin care line! I recently met a dermatologist in Washington DC at an aesthetics conference and he raved about these products. I love them and having been using them myself for about 2 months. My skin has never looked better. Here is a little about the products… These […]

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Ohana Connection Membership

Aloha Beautiful! To celebrate one year in business, Hawaii Blue is now offering a very special membership. Ohana means family in Hawaiian and to us, our patients are family. Connection is vital for the best results with your treatments. We truly enjoy having each and every one of you at Hawaii Blue! And we just […]

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