Please follow these simple instructions and you will be very pleased with your results! These pre-treatment instructions for botox and other services will minimize bruising, bleeding and skin sensitivity.
Before you come in…
Having aesthetic work done is a big decision. You will want your face to be its very best for treatment, and we want you to be satisfied with your results! We ask you to follow these pre-treatment instructions for botox or other services, before your treatment.
- Please stop using NSAIDs and/or aspirin 1 week prior to receiving injections unless medically necessary.
- Please stop taking fish body oils, turmeric, ginger, ginkgo biloba, ginseng, cayenne and vitamin E until after treatment as well.
- If you smoke, we ask that you please consider stopping before treatment. The effects of smoking are catastrophic to your health. Cigarette smoke contains over 4,000 chemicals, including 43 known cancer causing compounds and over 400 other toxins. A few of these are tar, nicotine and carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, hydrogen cyanide, ammonia, arsenic and DDT.
The effects of cigarette smoking on your appearance is without parallel. Cigarette smoke displaces the oxygen in your skin and nicotine reduces blood flow, leaving your skin dry and discolored. It also depletes your body of many vital nutrients including vitamin c which helps protect and repair skin damage. The mere act of pursing your lips to vape or smoke gives deep vertical lip lines.
Cigarette smoking also delays your body’s healing time. Contrary to popular belief, vaping is not a healthy alternative to smoking.
If you need help quitting, please contact us or your physician. We are more than happy to help! - If you suffer from cold sores and are having lip augmentation, please contact us prior to treatment. Lip injections can bring on a cold sore so it’s best to take medication prior to and after treatment. We can give you a prescription for Valtrex if needed.
- Please do not drink alcohol for 24 hours before treatment.
- Please do not exercise the day of treatment (either before or after).
- Please do not wear makeup for 24 hours prior to treatment.
If you follow these pre-treatment instructions for botox and other aesthetic work, your procedure, recovery, and results will be optimized! If you have further questions, don’t hesitate to call us at our Newport News medspa. We also will answer all of your questions at your pre-treatment consultation. If you haven’t already, schedule your consultation today, and let’s get you looking ten years younger!